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Monday, January 30, 2012

MY Weekend!

Good Morning Ladies (or Gents) ,
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I had a Busy ,stressful, Full weekend, Let me tell you about it and need your opinion or stories that relate :

So Saturday started out great at first My angels (with horns)
At right were actually very good in the beginning of the morning, Usually I hear the loudest banging on my bedroom wall about 6:30 am , them wanting to get up etc.. But they decided to play with there toys .

So I jumped up and ran to the kitchen to grab a cup of Coffee before I had to really get them up for the morning , Just 1 cup before the monsters are running around and before the baby needs her bottle and before the 12 year old tells me he is bored @ 7:30 in the morning . Just let me drink 1 cup, and so they did. Until... This one ------>Decided to do a dive on

<------this one, Then it was time to break it up and start the MOMMY day:

So Breakfast is being made and my children are eating nicely the baby is quiet and my 12 year old is actually dressed at 8am:

So I think to myself , I hope the day goes just as well, I shouldn't think that far cause , it just wont happen and I know that ha-ha.
I start a load of laundry and notice this :

Really? Why am I the only one that knows how to place a FULL toilet paper roll, back on the roll? I ask around and there is know one that confesses of the empty toilet paper roll

That's OK I did it for you , Just like every time , especially when you sit down on the toilet and there is nothing on the toilet roll...REALLY?

Then later that day we went to Kmart to do some shopping well wasn't that a trip , now before we left we told them the reason we were going and why and that no one was getting anything that day because it was unnecessary. Once we got there The second oldest Jaden starts in ughhhh I want this , but cant I have this... daddyyyyy but I want this..
And so this angel child from the morning looked like this example
<-------. Almost the whole trip to the store. I was so glad to bring my children that day ;)

Sunday evening and this morning this is what I heard and saw......------->
So this is what the daddy said to me last night when I had to get back up to deal with the baby @ 1Am after he watched a movie he says " I have to crash (sleep) " I look at him and said "Um I wish I could sleep " He replies "Well its your Job to get the baby"..I think to myself  :"MY JOB?".... I say allowed  "When do I get a day off?" No response........So this is ME this morning

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