
PR Friendly: Do you have a product you would like me to review? Please contact me

Do you have a business and want to share it with us ? I would love to help you. I will write up a blog about your business for all blog readers to see as well as tweeters and lol cafe mom users. I will post it everwhere ,everyone can see it. Just email me at and I will let you know all the details and things i need from you. to get your business some customers :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

SO have you seen the Bravo show of the REAL Housewives?

Well I know what your thinking while your watching it lol... WHY can't I look like that during the day . I ask myself that very question every time. Check out this Blog on what day to day life is for REAL mommies ..Please feel free to comment and I will re-write it and post it on my blog. We all could use some help in beauty , taking care of our kids , whats in fashion etc. ALL the MOMMY stuff we have to go through. So get back to me as I will listen to all your complaints, ideas, and advice and any questions you might have with every day MOMMY LIFE .

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