
PR Friendly: Do you have a product you would like me to review? Please contact me

Do you have a business and want to share it with us ? I would love to help you. I will write up a blog about your business for all blog readers to see as well as tweeters and lol cafe mom users. I will post it everwhere ,everyone can see it. Just email me at and I will let you know all the details and things i need from you. to get your business some customers :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

On the subject of those HOUSEWIVES

It looks like they have it pretty easy there. They have their hair and nails done as well as going to the gym and shopping all day ,well most of them ,I saw one House wife with a 7 carat necklace given to her from her husband OH my goodness :) You know what I could do with that $ he just spent lol . Let me know what you are thinking .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it