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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

20 Best-Ever Real-Mom Potty Training Tips

20 Best-Ever Real-Mom Potty Training Tips

Had to share this article , since im starting the boys out. And some of you are starting your kids out lol. lets potty train together. When I was a preschool teacher I would tell the parents if you dont mind doing laundry I dont mind mopping the floor and you know those kids were potty trained in week to 2 weeks . now if only i can do this with my twins lol . I have to do the cleaning and the laundry . If you have a suggestions please feel free to share . Would LOVE to hear them :)

1 comment:

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Oh man my first was easy because my babysitter did all the hard work! Now I'm home working and my youngest needs to start. Oh boy! Bring on the tips would love them :)