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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kiddie Couture

I saw this on Good Morning America yesterday , and just had to put my opinion out there about it.
These clothes that the designers are selling to moms are outrageous , Yes they are so cute but really would you let your child go out side and play, or even eat, drink lol or breath in these extremly expensive childrens clothing . Im my opinion its rediculous, they are going to out grown them in no time, they are going to get stained and the kids will just throw them on the floor for the animals to lay on. They must think children just stand or sit all day long and its ok to sell clothes for over $400 a jacket . here are some examples from Gucci :
this outfit is $335.00, not hat

$465.00 for this one ! the coat only

This boys Jacket is $567.00

Now would u allow your child to go outside to play?


SoCal Tess said...

Holy smokes! These clothes are for people with almost celebrity status. Very expensive... and I bet you could find something comparable at Macys! haha I'm a new MBC follower and look forward to your future posts. Your blog is awesome!

Melissa said...

Oh I agree it so expensive, for kids . thanks for stopping by and following. I will return the jesture