
PR Friendly: Do you have a product you would like me to review? Please contact me

Do you have a business and want to share it with us ? I would love to help you. I will write up a blog about your business for all blog readers to see as well as tweeters and lol cafe mom users. I will post it everwhere ,everyone can see it. Just email me at and I will let you know all the details and things i need from you. to get your business some customers :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Baby making update

So thank you to all that commented on the gender chart on friday. :) it helped alot. Well i have read up on this Pre-seed and that it helps with conceieving so I ordered it and going to see what happends . If you have taken it please feel free to tell me how it went. lets hope for the best , im still going to try in may since the chart says it will be a girl .:)  And again check out my other site Sugar~N~Spice to see new items that are up and comming soon :)


Danielle said...

So happy for you. We are thinking about trying for another baby as well.

Debbiedoos said...

I am giggling to myself because I sure remember the baby making days!!~ I use to have the list of the fridge...positions, times, etc....the best was when my boy was 2 and the babysitter came over while hubby and I went out...well I forgot to take the list off...ummmm....she got a sex education course a bit early LOL!!~ Have fun!!~ Following you from Friday follow:)