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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Potty-Training Incentives that Work!

Click me
Potty-Training Incentives that Work!

I loved these tips and I am going to use most of them loved #8 , there is a tip that says for rewards give them M&Ms ,or Marbles , Or poker chips ? Well XXX out the Marbles and Poker chips cause they are too small just do the M&ms that was tip#9 . Any thoughts moms?


Debra @ A Frugal Friend said...

Stopping by from the linky at The Mama Zone!!! I'm about to start potty any ideas are helpful. Thanks ans wish me luck!

Debra @ A Frugal Friend said...

Yeah....just subscribed and now following you on twitter!

Melissa said...

Thanks so much for visiting ill be checking out your site too :} hope to hear from you again