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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Real Housewives of Beverly HIlls Finale

It was a interesting season for Beverly Hill, Sad to see it go for now. Beverly Hills had alot of Drama this year as well as odd things too, between Taylor and Kim those made the show this year. The beautiful wedding that took place last night between Lisas daughter Pandora and her husband was amazing and made me have a sniffle and a tear roll down like I was there or watching my own daughters wedding. I feel sorry for Kim but am glad that she has checked herself into rehab , she so desperately needed help and I don't think anyone got that I hope she recovers from her drug and alcohol addiction. Adrean and Paul they just crack me up they are so down to earth and friendly , this episode with his colonospcopy was hilarious I was in full giggle .

And Poor Taylor and her daughter, I really hope thing look up for her she has been through so much this year. Kyle is a hoot I love her down to earth personality, and she tells you how it is . I think next year we will probably see more of Deena (Taylor's friend) and her expensive taste.. As well as Brandi stirring up the pot. As for Camile we will learn about he yummy pex looking boyfriend most likely ;) HATS OFF TO YOU GIRLS , LOVED THIS SEASON

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